Order a replacement Birth Certificate

Step One. Pick the birth state.
California Birth Certificate
Who may obtain a birth certificate:
  • The registrant or a parent, legal guardian, child, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or domestic partner of the registrant.
To obtain a California Birth Certificate Certified copy:
  • To complete your order after it’s placed, we will email you a form that you need to notarize, then fax to our office at (800) 856-2383.
Birth State
(pick a state)AlabamaAlaskaArizona
State Fee
Additional Copies cost per
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Texas Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain a Texas Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Florida Birth Certificate
Who may obtain a birth certificate:
  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian
To obtain a Florida Birth Certificate Certified copy
  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child
Alaska Birth Certificate
Who may obtain a birth certificate:
  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian
To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy
  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child
Alabama Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Arizona Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Arkansas Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

California Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Colorado Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Connecticut Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Delaware Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Florida Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Georgia Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Hawaii Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Idaho Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Illinois Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Indiana Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Iowa Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Alaska Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Alabama Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Arizona Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Arkansas Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

California Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Colorado Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Connecticut Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Delaware Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Florida Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Georgia Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Hawaii Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Idaho Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Illinois Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Indiana Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Iowa Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Kansas Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Kentucky Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Kansas Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Kentucky Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Louisiana Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Maine Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Maryland Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Massachusetts Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Michigan Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Minnesota Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Mississippi Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Missouri Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Montana Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Nebraska Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Nevada Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

New Hampshire Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

New Jersey Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

New Mexico Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

New York City Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

New York (upState only) Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

North Carolina Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

North Dakota Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Ohio Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Oklahoma Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Oregon Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Pennsylvania Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Rhode Island Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

South Carolina Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

South Dakota Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Tennessee Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Texas Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Utah Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Vermont Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Virginia Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Washington (state of) Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Washington D.C. Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

West Virginia Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Wisconsin Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Wyoming Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:

  • Person named on the certificate
  • Mother, father, or legal guardian

To obtain an Alaska Birth Certificate Certified copy

  • Driver’s license or your state issued identification card is required.
  • If unavailable, then a parent listed on the birth certificate (or legal guardian) must request it on behalf of the child

Order a California Birth Certificate

Who may obtain a birth certificate:
  • The registrant or a parent, legal guardian, child, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or domestic partner of the registrant.
To obtain a California Birth Certificate Certified copy:
  • To complete your order after it’s placed, we will email you a form that you need to notarize, then fax to our office at (800) 856-2383.
  If you’re unsure as to which county the birth took place, Look up county by city or zip code (opens in new tab/window)

